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oca, oqa, occa
(n) Oxalis tuberosa. An Andean tuber crop. Oca has been a
staple of rural Andean diets for centuries. WIKI The stems
and leaves are called chullco (sorrel) and are said to be used as a
cooling agent in high fevers and typhoid, in treating painful
urination, choking, sore throat and jaundice. The roots are crushed and
applied as a cataplasm to reduce the swelling of goiter and mumps. REPC Also
known as chullco-chullco,
chullco, chulco, chchulcu. [See, oca tarpu,
tubers. WIKI
tarpu: (v) The
shape of oca tubers leads to its use as a phallic symbol in Quechua
jokes and the sexual act is sometimes referred to in Quechua as oca
tarpu, literally, planting ocas. ODP
(Span): (n) Sacred offering. Also called despacho
(Span), pago
(Span), or haywa.
(Span): (n) Burnt offering. (See,
ruphasqa haywa.)
ojé, hojé: Ficus
insipida. Its latex has a marked antiparasitic and purgative
effect. DYE The
white latex is taken to kill parasites, and its effectiveness is well
documented by research. The latex was processed into powder in Iquitos
and exported to many countries, especially for use by military forces.
Many preparation methods exist. The latex is often fermented with sugar
cane, orange juice or aguardiente, and then taken orally. If the latex
is not fermented it will “burn” the insides of a person. The latex is
toxic, and overdoses are dangerous. Despite its efficacy if correctly
used, bad experiences make many people fear it and seek other methods
to control parasites. Education programs have promoted ojé use in Peru.
RFC Used by wajacas
(shamans) of the Craós tribe in
Brazil as a memory enhancer. Its latex is toxic it must be used with
care. WIKI
white ojé latex is very
roots of the ojé. WIKI
against parasites. RFC
de luz (Span):
(n) Literally, eyes
of light;
energy centers
of the luminous body.
(Span): Leopardus
tigrinus, also known as the little spotted cat, tigrillo, cunaguaro
or tiger cat, is a small spotted felid found in the tropical rain
forests of Central and South America. It is a close relative of the
ocelot and has a rich ochre coat, spotted with black rosettes. The
oncilla is a noctural animal that hunts rodents and birds. Some
melanistic [think black jaguar] oncillas
have been reported from the more heavily forested parts of its range. WIKI
Melanistic oncilla.
(Panoan): Ayahuasca.
There are three types of ayahuasca differentiated by the Shipibo
according to color. AYV
panshin oni, josho
oni, huizo oni.)
(Amawaka): (n) Ayahuasca.
Uñu Pachacuti.
(adj) Sick. PSL
oncoy, unkuy, uncoy, onccoy: (n) Sickness. PSL
Signifies a general clinical process equivalent to illness or disease. DYE
(n) A name used for the Pleiades. AEAA
also, Collca.
To be sick. PSL
(n) Literally, deaf and dumb ones. Ritual baths in which an Inca subject, at the end of the ichuri, washed away hucha
and were preferably done at the juncture of two streams (see, tinku). ICHB
oqa: See, oca,
(Span): (n)
Literally, one who prays. A vegetalista
who employs only prayers for performing shamanic tasks. MSIN
(v) To pray (sp.).PSL
(Eng): See,
orejones (Span): Orejón can mean strip of a dried peach. SEES Big ears or boss ears, a Spanish
nickname for the Inca nobility because
of their practice of piercing their ears and inserting large gold
spools. This was seen by the Inca as a divine sanction from Wiracocha for ruling the empire. It was a
practice that actually pre-dated the Inca and was found in the Moche
civilization. MAN
Inca royalty. WIKI The ritualistic piercing of
the ears was a very solemn occasion, as the Inca
himself presided over the ceremony of initiation of the youth into the
life of the warrior (see, huarachicuy). They used sharply filed
metal to pierce the earlobes; then dilated the opening appreciably to
hold earplugs of increasing size. Garcilaso
tells us, “Besides being shorn, they had their ears pierced as women
usually pierce them for their earrings; however, “they enlarged the
hole with artifacts of rare size, incredible to those who never saw
them, because it seems impossible that with so little flesh under the
ear, this may grow large enough to harbor an ear ornament the size and
shape of a round earthenware vessel.” This small but important
ritualistic act of surgery took place at the great festival of Inti Raymi [here the author contradicts
himself as to which festival; in the definition of huarachicuy he wrote
it happened at Qhapaq Raymi].
The young men passed before the emperor and the latter used, according
to Garcilaso, thick gold pins which they left in place so that by means
of them the ear holes would heal and stretch to incredible size.” These
[see, tembetá and scarification] are the only ritual surgical
acts of which we have a clear notion. DYE
of a silver figurine [above, right] of a member of the Inca
aristocracy. This man has the long, stretched ear lobes caused by the
large cylindrical earspools worn by men of the Inca elite. [See
accompanying gold mask graphic above, left, with spools in place.] The
figurine has a large akulli (see,
for picture) in his left cheek. Such figurines were richly dressed and
had feather headdresses.
(n) These are the patterns of the organization of the universe via
energy. JLH
saiwa, munay, nuna,
yuya, ch'ulla, kallari,
(v) To take out, to extract. RSL
(Span): (n) (Urtica
dioica) Shrub
with jagged leaves that have small hooks on them. Used for extractions
of structural density to get kawsay
moving again. JLH
The plant also has many uses as an herbal curative.
uturunqu, uturunku, uturuncu: (n) Jaguar.
Comes from a pre-Incan civilization, the Chavin, who had cat-like
depictions all over their holy sites. MAN
A symbol parallel to the puma but for jungle regions; in
some historians’ view, Uturunku was originally far more important than
Puma. ANON1 (See,
fanged deities.)
achachi: (n)
Grandfather jaguar. PSPM See, otorongo, above.
nación: (n)
Literally, other
nation. According
to residents of Misminay, in addition
to the kaypacha, there is another world
directly below, the other nation, distinct from the ukhupacha. It is the place where the dead
go. There everything happens just the opposite to the way it happens on
this earth: our sunrise is their sunset, our day is their night, our
earth is their sky. The beings who live there are red and have wings
and are called condores. The only
animal is the burro, which is the principal food animal of that world.
The only plant food is the palm tree. ACES